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  • Lawn Care in Smithfield, VA

    将您的草坪从普通到非凡比以往任何时候都更容易与农艺草坪管理! 20多年来,我们一直在史密斯菲尔德提供一流的草坪护理十大彩票网站. Our family-friendly treatments 无论气候如何,优质的产品都会让您的草坪看起来郁郁葱葱,充满活力.

    Our lawn care services in Smithfield include:

    • Lawn Care: Our comprehensive service includes mowing, edging, trimming, and blowing, leaving your lawn looking neat and tidy.
    • Lawn Fertilization: 我们的专业施肥配方为您的草坪提供健康强壮生长所需的基本营养.
    • Weed Control: 我们仔细选择和使用我们的杂草控制产品,以消除和防止讨厌的杂草返回.
    • Split Seeding: 告别斑驳和薄的地区与我们的专家分裂播种十大彩票网站.
    • Lawn Disease Control: 我们有效的疾病控制处理保护您的草坪免受有害疾病的侵害.

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    Get Year-Round Lawn Care 

    你是否厌倦了在周末维护你的草坪? 让我们的专业团队在农艺草坪管理为您照顾, so you can enjoy your time outside. We offer the best lawn care services in Smithfield, Virginia, 我们知识渊博的员工将确保您的物业一年四季郁郁葱葱. Contact us today to experience the ALM difference.

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    M-F: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
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    Knowledgable Technicians You Can Trust

    At ALM, we are lawn care experts. 我们的技术人员获得了弗吉尼亚州的许可和认证,可以在您的草坪上施用农药和化肥. 我们参加弗吉尼亚理工大学的继续教育课程,为您提供尽可能多的知识和经验. You can trust us to help your lawn grow and thrive. We are your local community neighbors, 我们想帮助您全年保持美丽的草坪. 我们的草坪护理管理十大彩票网站在许多地方都有. Contact us to see if we service near you!

    Weed Control in Smithfield

    和院子里难看的杂草说再见,和美丽的植物打招呼, 修剪整齐的草坪,我们在史密斯菲尔德的专家除草十大彩票网站. 我们ALM的草坪专家在这里帮助您摆脱杂草,我们的环保杂草处理和持续监测. Here's what you can expect with our lawn weed service:

    • Year-round weed control -我们的季节性应用程序使您的草坪全年无杂草.
    • Pre-and-post emergent weed control -我们防止杂草发芽,并消除杂草已经在你的院子里.
    • Bed weed control -我们不只是关注你的草坪-我们也解决那些讨厌的杂草渗入你的花坛.
    • EPA-approved herbicides -我们的除草方案对您的草坪、家人和宠物都是安全的.

    Perimeter Pest Control in Smithfield

    Mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks can pose serious health risks, so it's important to keep them out of your backyard. 我们的户外害虫防治十大彩票网站旨在让您的家人在整个夏天都安全舒适. 我们有超过十大彩票网站的经验,在史密斯菲尔德提供可靠和有效的害虫防治. 我们的周边害虫防治价格合理,环保,适合家庭使用. 我们在4月至10月期间提供10种季节性护理, 使用喷雾处理,目标害虫在生命的各个阶段. 我们还提供有关您院子里害虫的宝贵知识, so you can prevent future infestations. 享受无虫害的院子和无忧的夏天与我们的十大彩票网站.

    Slit Seeding in Smithfield

    Transform your dry, brown, 通过我们在史密斯菲尔德的专业草坪缝隙播种十大彩票网站,将稀薄的草坪变成郁郁葱葱的绿色天堂. 我们的认证草坪护理技术人员使用一种专门的机器,称为缝播种机,以促进更健康的草皮和刺激更深层次的养分释放, resulting in a higher germination rate. 

    Our slit seeding in Smithfield includes: 

    • 通过允许更深的养分释放到土壤中促进更健康的草皮.
    • 增加种子与土壤的接触,以获得快速和持久的效果.
    • 质量,顶级的线产品使用最大的效力.

    Customized Fertilization for Optimal Growth

    Is your lawn lacking that vibrant, healthy look? Our customized fertilization program in Smithfield, VA, 提供你的草需要蓬勃发展的一整年. 通过使用缓释颗粒肥料,每4-6周施用一次, 我们根据您的草坪的具体需求提供持续的营养. Our fertilization service includes:

    • Soil Conditioning with Lime: Ensures balanced pH levels for optimum soil health.
    • Consistent Nutrient Supply: Feeds your lawn slowly over time for sustained growth.

    我们的产品通过epa认证,并提供满意的保证, 您可以相信我们会改善您的草坪的健康和美丽-从您同意十大彩票网站的当天开始或第二天就开始.

    Revitalize Your Lawn with Expert Aeration

    在史密斯菲尔德,压实的土壤会让你的草坪难以呼吸. 我们专业的曝气十大彩票网站通过打破紧实的土壤和促进养分吸收,为草的茁壮成长创造了完美的条件. 

    Here’s how our aeration process stands out:

    • Seasonal Timing for Best Results: 暖季草坪的曝气是从春季中期到夏初进行的,以促进生长.
    • Core Aeration:减少土壤压实,改善水分渗透,促进根系深入生长.
    • Convenient Scheduling: 我们的流程包括一个灵活的调度窗口,在十大彩票网站前一周和一天提醒电话.

    By choosing our aeration service, you’ll see a greener, healthier lawn in no time, backed by our free estimate and satisfaction guarantee.

    Defend Your Lawn Against Disease Year-Round

    史密斯菲尔德的气候可以为各种草坪疾病创造完美的温床. With our proactive lawn disease control, 你可以保护你的草免受常见的威胁,并保持它全年健康. Our service features:

    • Regular Fungicide Applications: 每隔21天,我们会使用经epa批准的杀菌剂来预防褐斑病和美元斑病.
    • Tailored Treatment Plans: 我们的专家评估您的草坪的具体需求,并创建一个定制的计划,以获得最佳效果.
    • Swift Action: 治疗可以立即开始,也可以在第二天开始,以迅速解决任何疾病的迹象.
      让您的草坪保持最佳形状与我们的专家疾病控制十大彩票网站, 所有的一切都有一个满意的保证,让您安心.



    Read Our Online Reviews

    5 Star Review

    Trina was very helpful .

    John Anderson JMA Contracting
    5 Star Review

    Just started using them late last summer. Their slit seeding is the best. My lawn is the best it has ever been.

    Rick Oberle
    5 Star Review

    I have used ALM for over 15 years. They are the Best lawm care company in VB. It is Dec and my yard is still green. Grass is still growing. Very dependable and responsive. Great people who produce Great results.

    L R

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